
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Regency Project

Alright...ready for your first peek at my Regency dress? I'm mixing a bunch of ideas together so it's not a replica of any one dress. But I'm sort of getting the idea of a dress like this from Pride and Prejudice: (drawstring bodice)Or this from Becoming Jane:
But with the sleeves from this pellise in Janet Arnold's Patterns of Fashion 1:
So, here is the fabric I'm using, it has a wonderful woven pattern through it. I LOVE this fabric. :)
The lining wont really be seen but I think it's pretty, little cherry branches:
So first of I started with the sleeves. I'm realizing now I should have started with showing you what the pattern piece originaly looked like but I forgot to take a picture. I changed it though by making the edge straight like the one in Patterns of Fashion and cut five horse shoe shapes along the edge.
Then I sewed the lining (wrong sides together) only inside the shapes:
Then I turned them inside out and pressed them and sewed the side seams then sewed them into the band. I then ran a gathering stitch straight up from the top of the cut outs to the top of the sleeve:
I atatched black ribbon on the inside:
Then brought it up across the gathering and tacked it to the top of the sleeve:
I also sewed the long sleeve together and then placed it under the short sleeve. Also, gather the top of both sleeves seperately. They will be sewin in as one sleeve later.
So...there you have my progress so far! I'm moving rather slowly as I'm sewing it all by hand.

But I just have this problem where I HAVE to make it as authentic as possible. I'm hoping to get the bodice a ways today. My friend is coming over for a Gilmore Girls marathon so I shall have plenty of sitting time to sew!


  1. SO pretty.
    Seriously, someday I will be married and live away in a small town where I will keep closely to the house and I will where this type of clothing. ALL the time.

  2. (chrissy) That sounds like fun...
    I should like to do that too!

    Anna DAHLING!! It is so gorgeous!! What a creative mind you have!
    I can't wait to see more!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh. My. Goodness. That is beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished project!

    Love it.


    Sorry, that last post was me. oops!

  5. how pretty! I love the lining! :) can't wait to see the finished product.

  6. You are amazing Anna, this dress is fabulous! Any ideas where you will wear it?

  7. Thank you all for your sweet comments...:)

    Chrissy...I know, wouldn't it be nice to be able to dress like this anytime?

    Heidi, I don't have any plans of a place to wear it at the moment. I'm just planning on putting it in my Etsy shop for now, but I made it in my size in case it doesn't sell! :)

  8. What a wonderful job you did. And the fabric choices; Excellent!! :D
    I simply ADORE the lining fabric you've chosen. Much to pretty for lining :) it would make such a nice "walk -around' dress. Where DID you get that fabric? (the one with the little cherry print??)

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! :)
      I got the fabric ages ago on clearance at JoAnns so I'm no sure where to find it now!
