
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Pemberley Couture Sale!

I'm having a sale for the next ten days...head over to Pemberley Couture to check it out!


Now on DVD

(I must confess I rather like these big wigs. :) I think they're awesome!)
Sorry there has been so much movie posting and so little of my actual projects. I will get back to sewing soon as the Holidays are almost over. I haven't stopped dreaming up projects! I've been doing a lot of costume sketching in my sketchbook, so the ideas are there. :) But you can't see them until later. ;)Well...a note of excitement! The Duchess came out on DVD today! My sister rented it and I've just finished watching it with my family. Not quite as epic as in the theater but I still loved it and could eat up every costume.
Now I REALLY can't wait to start my Dutchess gown! I need to finish a few other projects first though and probably make some panniers. I shall try to be patient.
For now...I shall enjoy the DVD for the few days we have it and try to content myself with sketches and reasearch.
Oh, and in case no one has seen it, I posted pictures of the Crusoe Pirate necklace I made to go with my dad's pirate costume for Christmas at Pemberley Couture. :)
Hope you all are enjoying the Holidays!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Edge of Love

I know I've already posted about this before. But I just can't get enough of these flowered dresses, wooly cardigans and rubber wellies in The Edge of Love. be Welsh.

How cute are they?

Yes...I'm going to bring this style back. Just watch me. ;)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Narnia Weather

It's been snowing non stop here for several days and has me in a Narnian mood. I'm about to watch The Lion the Witch and the Wardobe for the second time this week, I love that movie ever so much! I think a nice cup of tea with Mr. Tumnus would be enough to keep me going to finish last minute Christmas gifts.
There's just something wonderful about the first snow. Even though it's been snowing for days I still consider this being in the "first snow" because we have yet to have the first snow melt. ;)

I think the snow would be even lovelier if I had a fur coat. :) Or at least fur lined.
I think Father Christmas' costume is sooo amazing in this film. It's like an ancient battle warrior costume, but still merry. I really want to make it one day.
And the White Witch has the most amazing costumes. See, even she buries herself in furs. :)
I love her icycle crown, and everything about this costume:

Alright...I'm off to my sewing. And a cup of Twinings peppermint tea. (The best!) :D Hope your all having a very merry Christmas season!

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Secret of Moonacre Notes and Trailer

I found this trailer on YouTube and thought you all might enjoy checking it out. :)

Also, I've started reading the book and already I'm understanding the beautiful clothes. In the first chapter there is such a beautiful description of Maria's outfit....

"And the boots she had on today were calculated to raise the lowest spirits, for they were made of the softest grey leather, sewn with crystal beads round the tops, and were lined with snow white lambs wool. The chrystal beads, as it happened, could not be seen, because Maria's grey silk dress and warm grey wool pellise, also trimmed with white lamb's wool, reached to her ankles, but she herself knew they were there and the thought of them gave her a moral strength that can scarcely be overestimated. She rested herself against the thought of this beads, just as in a lesser degree she rested herself against the thought of the piece of purple ribbon that was wound about her slender waist beneath the pellise, the little bunch of violets that was tucked so far away inside the recess of her grey velvet bonnet that it was scarcely visible, and the grey silk mittens adorning the small hands that were hidden inside the big white muff. For Maria was one of your true aristocrats; the perfection of the hidden things was even more important to her than the outward show."

Wow...and I think I want her wardobe. It says her nurse made all of her clothes..."the child's clothes had been created with a fiery zeal that made of each small garment a work of art."

And as we see from pictures of the film, they've definately made works of art! :)

Check out my other post on the costumes with lots of pictures HERE.

I think I'd like her boots today. They sound warm!

Pretty Wit Giveaway!!!

There's another Giveaway over at Pretty Wit! "Who" wouldn't want this one? ;)

*I Wish*

I had this gorgeous dress to wear...
and a party to wear it to. :) Or maybe a Christmas ball at Chatsworth?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nicole Kidman Costumes Over The Years

(Nicole Kidman in the 2008 film Australia)

I love Nicole Kidman. Not only that, I love looking at all the costume films she's been in over the years. I thought I'd list some here with a few pictures. One day I'll possibly do more in depth study on individual costumes and even show more pictures of costumes I'm not showing. I really can't wait to make some of these on day. But I'm trying to force myself to finish what I've already started before I get off on any more projects.

Alright, enough about they are....

Far and Away (1992)

I love this film but I can't seem to find very many pictures of costumes. But I love the ruffle at the bottom of this dress:

The Portrait of a Lady (1996)

I haven't seen this film but I love this dress. I might do a more in depth study of it one day.

Moulin Rouge (2001)

This is one of my favorite dresses which I've already done a bit of planning to make. You may see bits of it in the future:

And how cute is this?

And I'm in love....IN LOVE with this grey suit:

Cold Mountain (2003)

Another of her films I haven't seen but I love the costumes in! I've heard many people say the costumes aren't that authentic...but they sure are lovely!

I don't really see anything wrong with this dress though, it looks right to me! Don't you love it?

I love this bonnet:

I really want to make this dress one day: (I love the criss-cross pattern on the sleeve and also on the hem of the skirt) I'm thinking the unauthentic part of this one is the sleeves. They aren't drop shoulder and I'm not sure they made them that tight fitting.

And then my favorite...which I decided last night I AM making one day soon.

Ooooh....I just love that embroidered trim.

The Golden Compass (2007)

I only saw half of this film but I'm so smitten with this coat:

Australia (2008)

Then my most recent favorite Nicole Kidman film, Australia:

This is so beautiful:

I love this dress:

I think she looks amazing in these 1940's skirts and blouses:


There are so many more costumes from all of these films that I didn't list so that I wouldn't overwhelm you with the world's longest post. But these are a few I adore and I hope you enjoyed them.

Well, I'm off to make Christmas presents! Sorry I haven't posted about projects much lately. After Christmas I'll have a lot to show and tell! :)

In the meantime, don't forget to sign up for my GIVEAWAY if you haven't already.

Happy Christmas season!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Check out my other blog Thoughts and Daydreams to enter my giveaway!

Or check out my shop for other winter cozies!

Monday, December 8, 2008

In Love

With this coat:
And this pin:
Check out Lulus and Accessorize.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Film Couture

I'm simply stunned by the brilliant costume designs in this new film, The Secret of Moonacre. I honestly don't know much of anything about this film except it's a has the little girl from The Golden Compass of has Ioan Gruffudd in it! Brilliant man. :)
The costumes are incredible works of art...I'm just in awe...
I'm in love with this long flowy gauzy ribbon scarf/necklace. Mmm...I want to make one! And check out that cocky collar:
I love both of these costumes:

Lovely manly coat for Mr. Gruffudd. :)
What a lovely picture...this gown is incredible!
Cozy nightgown:

I'll have to look more into this movie and see what it's about. But it appears it is only playing the the UK. :( Hopefully it will come out least on video. I'd love to see it, even if just for the costumes. ;)