
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jane Bennet Half Robe

This is one of my current projects I'm working on for a friend for Christmas. I didn't finish it before Christmas because I wanted to get the fitting just right, so we had a big sewing day the other day and I got it mostly done! :)

Here is my quick concept sketch:

And the progress so far:

It looks much better on her than it does on my dress form. When it's finished I'll get lovely pictures of her wearing it for you to see!

I just love the fabric and ruffle:


  1. You are truly amazing!! Do you just make up the patterns in your head or do you have actual patterns to go by? I just love the stuff that you make!

  2. Yay yay! I'm so excited! :) It's looks lovely my friend!


  3. What fun! that fabric is adorable! I got some vintage fabric from my mom for Christmas and can't wait to make something with it, though I'm not sure what yet. anyway, can't wait to see the finished product on your friend! :)

  4. oohoohoo! I can't wait either!
    Going to be lovely!

  5. Oh ruffles. It looks wonderful so far!

    I must say, though the 2005 P&P has its downsides, it beat the BBC version in one category at least: it made Jane beautiful! I thought that the BBC actress was nowhere near lovely enough to be Jane.

  6. It's really amazing how well you can match the fabric and pattern to the original!

  7. It's beautiful! I love how the ruffle turned out.

  8. It really looks like it's turning out like Jane's! Great work!

  9. Leah, thank you! :) I usually use a pattern as a base and then make my own adjustments. I used the Sense and Sensibility Regency Gown pattern as a base for the front and then turned it into a cross over bodice. Then I used a Swiss bodice pattern for the ack but shortened the waist so it was empire.

    AnnaMae, I can't wait to see what you use your fabirc for! :)
