
Monday, February 16, 2009

Dreaming in the 1860's

I'm in such a mood to make a dress for myself. I haven't made a dress for myself in such a long time. I always sell all my dresses. *sigh* But I truly want to make something to keep.

So....I'm thinking of starting with a Civil War dress as I've sold all of mine and will need one if I go to a reenactment this summer. I'm going to start with the underpinnings, because this is wise. ;)

First step will be a chemise. I'm researching at the moment to see if cotton or linen is more accurate. I'm sort of hoping linen as it's so soft and lovely. :) is more expensive. I just need to decide between these two chemises: (maybe I will just do both!)

Someday I hope to order the Silverado Corset Pattern. But for now I'm just going to use my Simplicity patterns.

Also...I read something about sewing in the Civil War and that there were sewing machines but that they were not used in household's until later. Thus, I'm thinking about sewing my chemise by hand. Because I'm just crazy like that. But I like hand sewing anyway. :)
In the past I've never put a ton of though into my wardrobe...I just put fabric and trims together I liked. But I'm going to take my time on this one. I think it would be fun to truly put together a character with this wardrobe. So, I'm thinking on that. :) I'm actually into being a farmer at the moment. I really love work dresses and aprons...much better than silks and taffeta's. Although they are very pretty. :) Maybe one day I'll do a fancier wardrobe.
Alright...I'm off to dream and will update when I have more plans. :)


  1. Oh, I'm so excited for you!! I can't wait to see the final project.

  2. Ooh! So pretty! I love that blue corset. Cherie had an awesome blue corset.

    I've made both of those chemises and In my opinion, the one with the buttoned sleeves is the easiest to make and the most versatile. You can unbutton the sleeves if you have on a coat neck dress or a ball gown. (It will stay on if you have a corset on over it.) The one with the puffed sleeves is prettier (In my opinion) but it's a pain if you are wearing a short sleeve dress or if your sleeves are kind of tight. You know how hard it is to move your arms in those dresses anyway, these make it even harder. This chemise only works for me when I wear my long loose sleeves and high neck dresses. I thought the pattern was hard too. Although it was a while ago, maybe it would make more sense to me was just those darn underarm gussets.

    Have fun! Hee hee, see?! I told you you could hand sew your 1860's clothes and still be "authentic"! ;)
    Can't wait to see what you make.

    Love you!

  3. Oooh, how fun! :) Cotton and silk are historically accurate for a chemise. Linen was used; however, not by the 'gentry', so to speak.

    Cotton and silk were the most expensive.

    Can't wait to see what you make! :)

  4. The High Desert Museum is having a civil war event on June 20-21, it would be a great place to debut a new ensemble! I'll be there, and we are thinking about having an after hours event with dancing.

  5. Oooh! Lovely! I love that crinoline!!
    You inspire me! I'm sure whatever you make will be lovely!
