
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Summer Sewing List

Here are a few things I'm planning out to work on this summer. But I may change my mind at any moment and add or take away from the list. This is just an idea of what I'm working on in my mind. :)

The beautiful pink and yellow dress from Marie Antoinette:

I've got the underskirt fabric but I still need to find the perfect fabric for the bodice. I also might need to find a better pattern. The one I have is too small for me so I'm not sure if I want to bother sizing it up or not.

The black and white dress from The Duchess:

I'm working on a dress inspired by this, it's not exactly like it, but still Duchess worthy! ;)

Titanic Jump dress:
This has been an ongoing project which may take me a long time to complete. I made a really rushed version of this once but it didn't work so I'm going to take it apart and start over. I also decided I think I want to be a crazy and go all out and completely bead the bodice because I just love that part of the original. I'm currently working on making the hand beaded trim. I'm thinking of starting all over from scratch and using the fabric from this dress to make my Moulin Rouge bodice.
Here is my rugged unfinished first attempt:

Elizabeth Swann Underpinnings:
I'm half way on my corset! I really need to get that out and finish it. Now that I'm done with some of my custom orders maybe I can. :) I'm also planning on making panniers and they will all work under my Marie and Duchess dresses as well.
Will Turner pirate costume:
Yay! I'm so excited about this one! I have almost everything I need to make it now except buttons for the coat and vest. But I have vest fabric and a second hand leather coat I'm remaking into a piratey coat. I still need to buy fabric for his pants though.

If only I could get some of those boots.....:)
Okay...that's all I'll list for now. These are my HOPES of what to work on. We'll see how far I get.


  1. verry creative..i'm curious how the pink and yellow dress from marie antoinette is going to look like.
    at this moment i'm working at my first dress, a regency one..
    i've got a wish list also..but first practice practice hihi

  2. Fun! :) You and Heidi are very inspiring. I think I shall make a sewing list too!

    Love you! See you I guess. :)


  3. A sewing list is a wonderful idea. I especially like the pink and white Marie Antoinette dress from the movie, even though it is far simpler than what she would have worn at the time. Good luck!

  4. I can tell you are going to have a great summer full of sewing! I especially like the duchess dress. Soon I need to see that movie. All the pictures you've posted of the costumes are incredible, I'd really like to see them myself!

  5. I don't suppose you are into medieval dresses are you? I am making a pattern up right now. But I need ideas like, the different period dresses, and what style goes with what. Could you help?
