
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Award :)

I'd like to thank Jenaveve for this award. :) I feel so honored. I'm going to have a hard time thinking of 7 awesome things about myself!
So the deal is to:
List 7 things that make You Awe-Summm then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love.- Tag your recipients (so they know they've won) & link back to the Queen that tagged you.

1. I can make amazing smoothies. :)

2. I can quote movies. (not sure if this is awesome or not!) My most quoted at the moment would be Allan-a-Dale from Robin Hood.

3. I can keep the lawn well manicured. ;)

4. I can sew and am constantly learning new crafting skills. I love trying to make everything myself. :)

5. I can do English country dances. :) As well as Civil war era dancing and a little bit of Cornish dancing.

6. I love reading good deep books.

7. I am happy with who I am at the moment. :)

Blogs I would like to pass this on to:


  1. My pleasure!

    And #2 quoting movies: is definitely an awesome trait, as is #5: doing English country dances. Oh that's amazing!

  2. Amazing smoothies is a great talent.

  3. Thanks for the award! I've posted mine.

    And smoothies, YUM!

  4. haha! I now definately know that you can quote movies!!!

    Thanks for the award.
