
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lazy Summer Days

The warm weather has come...and all I can think of is landscaping and making smoothies and reading in the shade.
Makes me wish I had a Marie Antoinette dress finished so I could have a picnic.
Well, Regency will have to do as the tea is almost here! I'm almost finished with my short stays and then I'll start my dress. I do seem to save things for the last minute all the time. *sigh*


  1. thats my problem things for the last minute...but im always suprised how much i can do in a short time why couldnt i spread it over the whole week!!!!???? and having no stress hihi(but at the last moment i get the best ideas!!)..

  2. Best of luck with the new dress.
    Ooh I love these costumes... if I only had a lake and a boat and a wig :)

    I have given you a little award because I think your blog is just ace! Swing on by to collect when you are free.

  3. I love her wrap over white thing! in the middle picture i think.. Its so elagent! I wonder if that style is at all regency? It looks like it could be! It would be pretty over a gown...

  4. mijndroomhuisje, I tend to be the same way! I save everything for the last minute and half the time change my mind right before. The only problem is then I don't get to do as much detail or a perfect job because it's so rushed!

    Jenaveve, thanks! and thanks for the award! Your so sweet! :) I'll go collect it! And yes...a boat and a wig would be lovely! *sigh*

    Aimee...that would be such a cool Regency over dress! you've inspired me! :)

  5. I've been on your blog for... along time
    I really like it
    You seem really cool

  6. I love this post. I just keep coming back to it over and over...
    and over.
    It is lovely. It makes me want to have a day where I just wear a pretty dress and laze around in the yard and garden and under the apple trees. *sigh*
