
Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My mom is doing a Jane Austen Tea at the end of this month and I just realized...I haven't anything Regency to wear. *sigh* I guess I shall just have to make something new. Bummer. ;)I'm going to start from scratch as I've outgrown all of my Regency things so first off, I need to make some underpinnings! I'm going to use Jennie Chancey's Regency underpinnings pattern because it's amazing. :)
I haven't decided what sort of dress to do yet. But I was thinking it would actually be fun to go simple and do something like Charlotte Lucas' dress.
I just love love love this dress.
I still haven't tried the crossover bodice pattern that my friends gave me for my birthday so I could try that and make something like Lizzie's Pemberley dress which is one of my favorites:

Or I might just try something out of me head. We'll have to wait and see. I need to turn off Robin Hood and put Pride and Prejudice on. I need inspiration. I'm still dreaming of hoods and bow and arrows. Which wont quite fit in with the tea cups and English Country dances. ;)


  1. aw how delightful! I wish I could put on a Jane Austin tea and that people would come in costume. unfortunately none of my friends here in SD are into things like that. most haven't even read Austin! sad I know, why are they even my friends? haha just kidding. anyway, can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  2. What a great opportunity to make something new. I vote for the Pemberly dress!!! :D

    If your Mom needs any help serving, or cooking, let me know ;)
