
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Obsessions of the Week

Well, this will most likely be my final post for the next week as I'm off to visit some friends.
Sorry I didn't finish the Fashion Week, my days got too crazy and by the end of them I wasn't in any shape to take photos! But thanks for putting this on Amanda! It was fun! :)
I thought before I went, though, I would share some of my obsessions of the week. Every day there is something new, or old, that inspires me. If only I could create as fast as I'm inspired! ;)

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Padme's Picnic Dress

I fell in love with this dress the first time I saw this movie in the theater but I'd almost forgotten about it. I just ran across pictures of it the other day I was so re-inspired by it. I can't stop staring at the delicate details and the ribbon wrapped sleeves. :)
Hair Styles

I can't get over this amazing hairstyle:

I'm a bit obsessed with random braids and these are so cool! I would love to try this hair style for one of my costume photo shoots or something. :)

Also, how inspiring is this? Padme wears her hair like this when she is at the lake. It's so clever her hair would look like a shell. :) I'm in love with the sketch.

There were many more things that inspired me this week but those are probably the top few.
I've also pulled out my Elizabeth Swann corset this week and I'm really close to having all the boning finished! But it will have to be set aside until I return.
Until then...have a fabulous week!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lost in Austen

I just finished watching 'Lost in Austen' with my mom. I confess I didn't like it very much as they twisted the Pride and Prejudice storyline waaay to far. But it was quite funny in some parts and I loved the costumes.
I loved this spencer that Elizabeth Bennet wears...which reminds me of the one Jane wears in the A&E Pride and Prejudice when she gets caught in the rain on the way to Netherfield:
I just think it's darling:
Bingley looking dashing in his high collar and cravat:
I also fell head over heels in love with the bonnet Amanda Price wears. I'm so tempeted to try and make one. :)
I loved Amanda's spencer as well...when I have more time I'll look for better pictures of it. I just love those sleeves. :)
So now I'm in such a costuming mood. I feel like I haven't worked on something historic in ages. haha I guess it's only been something like a week. See how addicting it is!? :)

Market Bag #2 Chocolate Mint

I just finished my second market bag for my shop today. I love this one! I'm a big fan of blue and I just love this fabric:
It's revisable so the outside is this floral print with a vintage button:

The other side is a watery petal print with a wood button.
Two bags in one! I just love that. :)

Amanda Beth Fashion Week Day 3

A nice shirt and some long necklaces is a nice way to dress up a pair of jeans if your not in the mood for a skirt. I love this shirt I got when I stumbled upon High Street Kensington when I got lost in London back in August. The best shopping experience I've ever had!

What I'm Wearing:
Black Yoke Top: H&M in London
Jeans: GAP
Cris-cross ballet flats: What's What by Aerosoles
Necklaces: H&M in London

I think my must have fashion ingredient is to wear something that has a story behind it. I almost always wear my leafy ring from London because it reminds me to make the most of every moment. Even if your lost in a big city...have some fun! Enjoy the experience. ;) I love these shoes I'm wearing as they work perfectly for Regency dancing. Makes me feel like I can fit a little bit of Pemberley fashion into my modern wardrobe. :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Gisborne vs. Thornton and a Pretty Dress

I've been watching season 3 of Robin Hood (which I'm not that big a fan of I'm sorry to say) and just have one episode to go to the's got me really aching to watch North and South and see Richard Armitage in the role of a gentleman again. He's SO good as Guy of Gisborne but I can't help preferring him as Mr. Thornton. Obviously, since it's the good guy vs. the bad guy. ;) But I think the 1840's suits him better than Medieval anyway.
I just love those high collars and cravats. I'm seriously going to make some for my shop one day. We need more Mr. Thornton's in this world. :)
However...if I put North and South's going to make me want this dress of Margret's again:
Isn't it gorgeous? Though I think I love all her dresses in this movie. I think this is one of my favorite eras. (among many) I love it so much better than Civil War. I like the longer waists and narrower skirts.
But oh I'm reminded of that Civil War dress I need to finish...hmm...maybe I'll pull that out this week. See what a horrid procrastinator I am? I only have a few days left to keep busy on my sewing projects and then I'll be out of town for a week and I might not be able to blog while I'm gone. But I'll be taking a few projects with me so hopefully I'll have something to show you when I return! :)

Amanda Beth Fashion Week- Day 2

Today the sun is shining! (sorry Amanda) I just love the bright blue sky and the nice warm breeze. I thought I'd do my photo shoot outside today.

What I'm Wearing:

Black tank-Old Navy
Grey and White striped shirt-GAP
Denim Skirt-GAP
Leggings-former tights from who knows wear that I cut the feet off of. (Thanks Samantha for teaching me that trick!)
Mary Jane Sequin Shoes-Sketchers (these are the best shoes for walking in! And they're super cute. :)
Necklace-Wet Seal, gift
Watch-Quarts from Target
Leafy Ring-Accessorize in London
Jingle Anklet-Gift from the "jingle club". ;) (love you girlies!)

I was telling my mum today how my style is more like a wandering gypsy than a fashionable lady. (other than the days I'm in plain old jeans and t-shirts) I had to try really hard to look half way normal for you today...haha But maybe one of these days I'll go all out and show you how crazy my style can be. ;)
What I believe about fashion though is you should wear what you love and are comfortable in. Because then you'll be the most relaxed and yourself and look your greatest. It's good to take ideas from the fashion world and twist it into your own unique style. But then...that's coming from the wandering maybe you shouldn't listen to me. ;)
Hope your all having a fabulous day!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Amanda Beth Fashion Week Day 1

Fashion week completely snuck up on me so I wasn't entirely prepared and I was super busy today it being Father's Day so I just threw an outfit together which isn't what I'd normally wear. I'll be more put together tomorrow, I promise. ;)
What I'm Wearing:
~White Tucks and Lacy Blouse-Overdrive from Ross
~Pink Tiered Skirt-At Last, thrifted
~Beaded Shell Flip Flops- Montego Bay
~Bracelet-"Evenstar" made by Genevieve of Pretty Wit

Saturday, June 20, 2009

BBC Character Costume Study Season 2 Part 1- Carter

Carter Costume Study
Robin Hood Season 2

I thought I'd start of my Season 2 costume studies with Carter because I think his costume is pretty awesome...however if you haven't seen Season 2 and don't want any spoilers then you might not want to go any further as some pictures might give some things away about Carter's character. I've cropped most images though to help not give everything away. ;) But I just wanted to warn you...

Main Outfit
Carter wears a chain mail shirt with a black jerkin over it. The jerkin has leather strips across the front that buckle in the center front:

Chain mail bunches out around his neck over his tunic...perhaps this is a hood?
I couldn't find a very good picture of the back but it looks like it's the same as the front with the leather strips minus the buckles:

Black trouser and knee high boots:
Strip of fabric for a gag:
Gag about his neck:
Holy Land Soldier
Tunic made of what looks like linen or some natural fiber. Whatever it is it's awesome and lays beautifully! The England cross is on the front of his long tunic and the royal symbol patch is on the left side of his chest:
Tunic splits in front (and probably back) for ease in walking and riding: (oh and fighting!)
Cape closes with twisted cording attached with little bits of leather that form a loop:
Cape is really long:

England cross is also on the left side of his cape:
Hood drapes down into a full point and you can see his chain mail hood coming out over it:
Here you can see chain mail sleeves under his tunic:
And that's it for Carter...short and sweet but I think his costumes are awesome! Now I've got to decide who to do next... Season 2 is going to be fun! I love this season. :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Market Bag #1 Rasberry Mocha

I've been inspired lately by the Summer weather and the Farmer's Market to make some bags for my shop. Here is the first:
I made it reversable so you can change your bag with your mood:

This market bag is available in my SHOP.

Monday, June 15, 2009

BBC Robin Hood Character Costume Study Season 1 Part 8 - Robin Hood

Robin Hood Costume Study
Robin Hood Season One
Robin Hood, Earl of Huntindon and Lord of Locksley, played by Jonas Armstrong, gives up all he has so he can fight for justice and feed the poor. He takes his job seriously but there's still time to have a little bit of fun. :)
And where would this outlaw be with out the wonderful Maid Marian? Together they make a great team in the war against poverty and the Sheriff.
In Season One Robin is a soldier returning home to England from the Crusades. His costume gives him an upright military figure look and has echoes of the crusades with a hint of modern.

Under Shirt
Robin's undershirt is basically like a sleeveless t-shirt.

I'm not sure what Robin's shirt is made of. Could be a knit or linen...I can't tell. It's frayed around the neckline...he's rocked this shirt for awhile!

A gauze like knit fabric in strips wraps around the sleeves...I LOVE this:
The edge of the sleeves are really frayed like the neckline:
I think this is a different shirt or else the same one with out the fabric strips wrapped around the sleeves.
Green Shirt
Robin's green shirt is pretty much the same as his white one:
The neckline doesn't look frayed yet:
Same gauze/knit strips wrapped around the sleeves:
Here you can see how the fabric is connected in the shoulder seam and he then wraps it around and ties it:
Robin's vest is made of a what looks like a heavier fabric and has a solid front and back. It laces up the sides to get on and off:
He wears it with his white shirt:
And green shirt:
Leather Vest
Robin's over vest worn over his hoodie is made of dark leather and has medals attached to the front left side:
There is zig-zag stitching down the front and around the hood:
In these photos you can see the stitching on the inside and the orange lining:
His hood has a slash through it...
So his quiver can fit through it:
Clever! :)
So then he can hide in his enormous hood:
And pull it down quick to scold Much for being too noisy:
Grey jerkin/waistcoat
I think this is my favorite article of robin's wardrobe...I love this grey and all the straps and buckles:
And of course there's a place for his quiver in the back:

Robin's hoodie is made of a greenish brown fabric and laces up the front half way:

Hood on:
Detail of trim around hood and front lacing:
The hood laces up the back so it can be undone and fit his quiver through it:
Robin's trousers remind me of buckskin pants:
They lace up the sides and front and back:


Robin's cape reminds me of Allan's, it looks like it's similar fabric. Closes with an awesome circular buckle:
Still room for his hoodie to pop through to give his head a cover:
Earl of Huntingdon
Robin is graced with a cape made of pelts when he returns home to Locksley:

Gaurd Disguise
Robin "borrows" some chanmail to try and save three lives:

Check out those awesome gloves:

Recurve bow:
Studded belt:
All his belongings can be slung around his shoulder:

Robin's quiver is made of leather stitched with a whip stitch down the sides.
Here you can see it fits through the lacing in his hood and straps on the shoulders and I'm guessing the bottom strap fits like a belt:
Shoulder straps:
Pretty cool. :)
And that's it for Robin Hood and Season One! I hope you've enjoyed it! I've had fun researching...I'm sure there's tons I've missed, maybe I'll update as I learn more. If there are any characters I missed that you were dying to see more of their costumes just let me know and I will try and come up with something! :)
I'm excited to get started on Season Two!