
Monday, August 31, 2009

"Alice" Patterns

I was browsing around for some Alice looking patterns and although none of these are exactly like her dress in the film, they had a Alice like quality that I couldn't resist and could be easily used to make her dress or one inspired by hers.

This one can be bought HERE.

This one can be bought HERE.

This one can be bought HERE.

If your interested in the rick rack skirt outfit, check out my friend AnnaMae's blog, Confessions of a Costume Addict. She's working on replicating it! It's going to be amazing!


  1. That dress is cute!!! By the way, do you know where I can get a simple but pretty civil war pattern?

  2. I think I want to see this movie just for the costumes!

  3. I really want to make or buy her red dress! The one she wears when Alice goes to the Queen of heart's castle. I can barely find any pictures of it! Do you have a good picture, or any idea where i could purchase one? These are the only pictures I can find, and I can't very well make it with just these.

  4. The costumes and dresses in this movie are amazing. My daughter fell in love with her outfits. I was excited to see someone else noticed as I have been trying to find info on getting these patterns. The last scene where she is on the ship's deck has an incredible dress.
