
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crazy about Stripes

I've had a thing for stripes this past year...I just think striped costumes are so eye catching and bold. I love them.
Here are a few of my favorite striped costumes from films:

Sleepy Hollow

The Duchess

Pride and Prejudice

Anna Karenina
When I'm caught up on some of my current projects I'm going to make something striped. They just take my breath away. :)


  1. Oooh yes! I love stripes too! They are so pretty! Every time I go into a store lately I immediately see all the striped shirts and skirts and such. Beautiful! I love the one from Sleepy Hollow. I'm going to have to watch that movie again and pay attention to the costumes. I watched it several years ago before I REALLY noticed costumes. :)
    Good to see you the other day. Happy Day Off to you!
    Love you,

  2. I love stripes as well! On seeing your post, I immediately thought of Helena Bonham-Carter's costumes in Sweeney Todd.

    I love your blog and always enjoy seeing your projects!

  3. The links don't seem to work, but if you copy and paste them they take you to the pictures.

  4. Gen, I haven't seen Sleepy Hollow...we should watch it together!

    Elventryst, thanks for those links! Those dresses are so cool! Aren't stripes the best?

  5. Yes, we should watch it sometime...I just I supposed to call you? Hmm. Marg didn't say, I just heard that you had called. I'll go ask her.

    Love ya!

  6. yay! how lovely are stripes.. I think i shall post about stripes too! because i copy everything yo do Anna! HA! *evil chuckle*!!
    aimee xoxoxxx

  7. I wasn't even looking for this, but my friend had posted this YouTube video on her Facebook, and yep, there they are again-- all of those glorious stripes!

  8. this post reminded me of a gown I recently fell in love with. Have you watched "The Buccaneers"? It's all late 1800s, bustle gowns and such. Anyway there's this one gown all in black and white stripes, and with all the frothy bouncy bustling it's just too yummy! sadly there are NO pictures on line. :( But the movie is definitely worth watching.
