
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Repurposed Sweater

I had this sweater in my closet which doesn't fit me, but I always felt was rather plain.
I decided to give it a second life so I added a dash of vintage shell buttons and vintage lace:

Just a peek at the results:
For the full look see HERE. :)


  1. I just had a look on PC and it's fantastic!! Love it.

  2. I felt pretty inspired by your cute work with that sweater... So I trimmed an old Bolero of mine... Would like to send you a pic or post it here... how?

  3. that's so darling! I love re-purposing old clothes. I'll have to see what a little lace might do for some of my own sweaters now. :)

  4. Hi!!!!!!!

    So I saw some comments about maid marian... fellow fan?????

  5. Thanks girlies!

    Emmeline: I'd love to see your Bolero! You could either post it on your blog and leave the link in a comment here or send me an e-mail at

    Bracie: Yes, I'm definately a fello Maid Marian fan! :)
