
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bright Star

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

Yesterday I went to the theater to see 'Bright Star' the new film about John Keats and Fanny Brawne. If you love beautiful clothes, hand stitching, and poetry...this is the film for you. I left the theater so inspired, and slightly gloomy. Do take a handkerchief with you as it will be needed!

Ben Wishaw did an incredible job as John Keats. One couldn't help falling in love with him.

And despite all the gorgeous costumes in this film, Keat's frock coat was my favorite:

Abbie Cornish was amazing as Fanny Brawne, and her costumes are stunning:

She designs and sews everything she wears so there is a lot of detail that we don't normally get to see in costume dramas. My friends and I were in awe over this sweater that is made of what looks like really tiny granny squares:
I am in love with her striped spencer:
Her little sister 'Toots' had some of the most adorable little dresses I've ever seen. Now I want to make children's Regency clothes. :)

Overall the film was brilliant. Beautiful cinematography, excellent acting, intricate clothing, wonderful soundtrack, and as if that wasn't's filled with the beautiful poetry and letters of John Keats.


  1. oh no... This is getting me all melancholy again! you had better watch it, Anna, or I'll make you go for a good run outside with me! Goodness we MUST make those clothes... I want Mr. Keats jacket for myself! just to wear all the time like he did. to tell you the truth.. i believe that coat suited him better then blue velvet. without a doubt! most definitely! crazed at the moment! must go clean my room.. i heard that song again today! tee hee " da da da da--da da da da--da dada da daa"

  2. Neat! :-D The costumes looks delicious!

    What's the rating? Is there any questionable content?

  3. did make me go for a run crazy muffin. Yes...his jacket was perfect. No velvet...I liked his coat just as it was. :)

    Elinor Dashwood, the movie is rated PG. I thought it was really clean and don't think there was any questionable content...but I'm not sure what your viewing guidlines are so a good review to check out is here:

    It basically tells you anything that might be objectionable.
    But I agree...the costumes are quite delicious! :)

    ~Anna Kristine

  4. Thanks for the recommendation. I found the Bright Star trailer rather blah, but after reading your thoughts and PluggedIn's review I just might have to go see it. I do love a good costume flick! :)

  5. (sigh) I wish I could see this film, but my city's theater only plays the blockbuster films :*( I usually have to wait to see the films I want when they come to DVD.

    Children's Regency clothing are lovely!

  6. 'My friends and I were in awe over this sweater that is made of what looks like really tiny granny squares'

    do you think it is crocheted? saw the movie on monday and was in love with all her clothes, especially with this sweater... the mother wears something like it too and you can see it on the little sister later on as well. - would love to have the pattern to make one for myself.

  7. I'm not completely positive it's crocheted....there could be some technique they used back then that I don't know about but it really looked that was when it was on the cinema screen. If it is, it would take ages to make...another idea is maybe it's tatted? I'm not sure. But if you looked up a granny square pattern and made a million of them out of tiny thread with a tiny hook and sewed them together in the shape of a sweater it would probably work. But I don't think I would have the patience to do that.
    Maybe if you found a cardigan pattern and used multicolored thread, it would give a similar idea. :) If you decide to make one I'd love to see pictures!
    ~Anna Kristine

  8. This movie brings out the romantic in all of us. Get some thread and needle and create! I agree with you.

  9. Someone should seek out costume designer Janet Patterson and ask if she would share the pattern from this lovely unique sweater! but how to contact her?

  10. Someone should find out how to contact Costume designer Janet Patterson,and ask her to share the pattern for this sweater!

  11. I AM SO GLAD i have found your blog, and some one who shares my love of period,vintage feminine clothes, i am not alone!!! I have watched Bright Star a couple of times and i love ,love it! specia;ly love the pink dress with that amazing frill, the cardigan that so many like, and have fallen in love with Keats tail coat and Ben Wiasaw......

  12. Hello ~ I just found your blog because I was looking for a picture of Toots (the little sister) wearing that shawl-thing that crosses over in the front. She wears it 2 or 3 times in the movie but I can't find any pictures of it online. (How is this possible!!!???) If you have any ideas.....
    Love your blog.

  13. I must admit I thought her jacket was made of tiny sewn dorset puffs.
    But i am not sure now.
    Anyway, I would give my right arm for some of that madder( ?) stained linen their dresses were made of.

  14. Hello. Here's some info on the lovely sweaters from this truly luminous film. Enjoy. :-)

  15. Me again. ;-)
    More info on the pretty items made by Sophie Digard...

  16. I. want. her. sweater. And I just found your blog because I was googling the "sweater bright star." I am following! Yeah!

  17. I've decided to take this on. I'm 300 yo-yos into it. I figure it'll take me about 900 yo-yos. Whew. I'll post the pattern on Ravelry under Bright Star yo-yo sweater when I finish. :)

  18. Wow that's ambitious! I can't wait to see what it looks like! :)

