
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Check :)

I've already made some progress on that long list I posted of my sewing pile.

~Gray Plaid Wool Coat-FINISHED (pictures to come soon!)
~White muslin emboidered skirt-Finished hem

I just love checking things off. :) Don't you?

What's on some of your sewing lists at the moment?


  1. Sweet! I love it when that happens. It's so rewarding to finally finish one of many projects. . . because I tend to start many as well.

    My list. . . lol. Much too long. .
    -Finish Marian Blouse
    -Sew Pincushion
    -Sew Camera Case
    and on and on she goes. . .

    LOVE your blog by the way. :D

  2. Good job girly! :)

    Hmmm I really need to make a sewing list soon.

    Some things that are on it at the moment:

    Regency Corset
    Fix dress for sis-in-law
    reenactment clothes for nevvies.

    And more.... much, much more!

    Love ya!

  3. Good job Anna! I can't wait to see your coat. I have an obsession with coats this season and have two on my sewing table right now :D

  4. Chip, your sewing list sounds like fun! But I know what you mean...sewing lists never really end do they? ;)

    Genevieve, I can't wait to see your Regency corset! I really want to try to make one!

    Heidi, I do too! I have a pile of wool and warmish fabric to make into coats but I'm trying to make myself finish some of my sewing pile first. ;)

  5. Congrats on your progress! I love checking things off my sewing list! Any list, for that matter. :)

    My sisters and I just gave you the honest scrap award on our family blog. We really enjoy reading here!

  6. oh good for you!
    i think i should like to finnish my costume first..after i finish Bobs tea cozy and before i get in the mood to make something else. :) tee hee!
    we need tea, Anna! come over and have Tea with me!
