
Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I've decided I'm going to try to focus on one costume for awhile and see if I can't complete it. I seem to get too many projects going and I rarely finish them in short time because I get distracted with something new.
This plan is exciting to me except for one thing....I'm already in the middle of a big project...making Elizabeth Swann's costume from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. I am looking forward to finishing this...I'm just a bit tired of the thing that's been hanging over my head long has it been? Don't answer that.
Yes....the blasted corset....
This is about how I feel about it:
BUT...I am nearly done so I'm going to dig it out and give it a go and see if I can't finish it up in the next few weeks. I'm past the worst of it which is nice.
I could stop there but I already bought the fabric for the I think while I'm on a role I should keep going and make it too.
The other project that has been tempting me is Will Turner's costume from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. I bought a leather coat from a thrift store ages ago that I'm planning on somehow transforming into his pirate coat.

I also have fabric that will work great for his waistcoat....
And then I can buy fabric for the shirt (or just use muslin) and breeches when I get done with those.

So tempting.....but ONE project at a time. That's my new motto. It's hard. But very much less stressful.

I'm going to try to keep updates and posts on my progress so I will be challenged to actually make progress. ;) Who knows....maybe with focusing on one thing I will actually finish something!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A sneak peek at Maid Marian

I saw the trailer to the new Robin Hood at the theater looks a lot like Gladiator, pretty violent. So I don't think I'll be seeing it in the theater. I can't handle much gore on the big screen, I'll probably wait and watch it when it comes out on DVD. But the costumes do seem pretty awesome! Check out Maid Marian:

I can't wait to see more of her costumes. I think this blue dress is really lovely. It looks quite peasant-ish. I'm curious if she's going to be a peasant or if here she's just dressed that way to blend in. Either way I'm sure her wardrobe will be lovely. :) What do you guys think?

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Pirate's Life for Me

I've been having some fun making sets on Polyvore this morning. This one is my favorite. :)

A Pirate's Life for Me

A Pirate's Life for Me by TheArtofClothes on

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dollar Sale!

$1 yd fabric and $1 patterns in the SHOP through the end of December. :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

In such a mood...

I've been wanting to watch Little Dorrit so much lately. It's my absolute favorite Dicken's that I have seen so far. I've only seen it twice through. That's not nearly enough, is it? I love everything about this movie though. The acting, the costumes, the score, umm...oh yeah, and the story. :)

I've been so busy lately with work and custom orders I haven't had much time to do fun sewing for myself. I think I'm going to take a break from custom orders pretty soon so I can have some creative free time. I miss pulling out my fabric and making whatever I'm in the mood for. And I do have a pile of fun stuff to make!

Dear me, this is a random post. I'm tired. Well, I hope you all are having a lovely start to your week.
~Anna Kristine


If I didn't already think Amy Adams was the cutest thing ever, I do now.

(photo from: Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What I've been up to...

Even though I haven't been blogging about sewing much lately I have been busy with custom orders in my shop. Hop on over to Pemberley Couture to see my latest finished project. :)

And the winner is....

Chrissy from The Sun Kissed Me. Yay! Congratulations Chrissy! I'm glad the bracelet is going into the hands of a true Jacob fan. ;)
Her favorite Twilight Saga quote is: "Does my being half naked bother you?" -Jacob Black

Thanks to all of you who entered! I enjoyed reading all your favorite quotes so much. And don't give up! More giveaways to come in the near future!