
Saturday, December 26, 2009

A sneak peek at Maid Marian

I saw the trailer to the new Robin Hood at the theater looks a lot like Gladiator, pretty violent. So I don't think I'll be seeing it in the theater. I can't handle much gore on the big screen, I'll probably wait and watch it when it comes out on DVD. But the costumes do seem pretty awesome! Check out Maid Marian:

I can't wait to see more of her costumes. I think this blue dress is really lovely. It looks quite peasant-ish. I'm curious if she's going to be a peasant or if here she's just dressed that way to blend in. Either way I'm sure her wardrobe will be lovely. :) What do you guys think?


  1. The blue dress IS lovely, but if she's supposed to be a widow she wouldn't be a maid anymore.
    But I love Cate, so she'll probably pull it off ^_^

  2. Is she supposed to be a widow? I didn't know that. Hmm...I wonder what the storyline will be like.

  3. Widow's good. Anything to deviate from the well-trodden ideas in recent retellings. The whole ex-Crusader thing has really been done to death.

  4. I dont like to watch violence either.

  5. Oooh hoo hoo!!!
    I can't wait for this one! I hope it's not TOO terribly violent! Cate Blanchett is SO good! I am very curious about the storyline as well.
    I hope it's good!
