
Saturday, January 2, 2010

For me...

I've been thinking about some things I want to make for myself because I have quite a few pieces of fabric and not enough clothes. But one of my resolutions is to lose a few pounds so I may wait until I'm back to my normal size before I start anything. But I can plan and dream, right?
I'm really in love with this grey tunic at the moment...I may have to make myself something similar. I'm so into grey right now.

I've been knitting a ton lately...I made my sister a scarf for Christmas and I am making myself a pair of mittens. I'm using the Phenomenon pattern and I'm making mine in a charcoal grey. It's thicker yarn and has some wool in it as well so their extra warm and cozy.

I've already completed one but I haven't gotten a picture yet so there it is partially done. I'm busy making a couple other pairs of mittens for friends by request and then I'll get back to it and finish the second mitten. The pattern is amazing and really written out well. The only thing I didn't like was the cross stitch pattern across the palm. Pain in the neck to do. But I haven't been knitting very long so maybe it will get easier the more I do it.


  1. i love your blog! and go on, you're projects will be amazing as always!
    you're friends should carry you on their hands for your work!!!

  2. Ooh, lovely! I loved that tunic as soon as I saw it in my Ottobre Women magazine.

    The gloves are amazing - so much attention to detail and it shows. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  3. I am into grey this winter as well. I have seen Twilight 6 times and never noticed Bella's mittens.

  4. Those are really cute! I liked a lot of her fashion in the movie.

  5. I love yuor blog ♥

    I would like to wearing the Bella's mittens but i can't because the winter in my country is being very hot :(

  6. Hi!
    I know this is a bit awkward, but since I couldn't find an e-mail address I just would like to use this comment window to inform you that there is an award waiting for you at my blog:

    I hope you will accept it!
    It's just that I love your blog and your work. Thank you for sharing!


  7. Thanks girlies...your all so sweet. :)

    lissawi, I love Bella's style too. Especially in New Moon. I think I already dress somewhat similar to her on friends tease me because I have a couple shirts that are almost just like Bella's. I swear it wasn't intentional!
    ~Anna Kristine
