Thursday, May 20, 2010

Leap Year

I saw this movie a couple weeks ago with a friend and I just fell in love with Amy Adam's wardrobe. SO cute. I want to go to Wales...or Ireland...either will do. ;) As long as I can wear clothes that cute.


  1. I like pencil skirts. I own 21 currently.

  2. Oh, I want to see that movie!!

  3. Ooh yes, those are so pretty! :)

  4. Ooh! I really want to see that movie now! The clothes do look cute!

  5. Her clothes are really cute!

  6. I've been really wanting to see this movie... I love her clothes!

  7. cute! haven't seen the movie, but i like her!

  8. I just watched this the other day & thought the same. So cute!

  9. I love the Amy Adams' wardrobe in Leap Year. The costume designer is Eimer Ni Mhaoldomhnaigh. Any information you have about he character Anna's scarf, bag and cardigans would be appreciated! /thanks for your blog!

  10. hi I was wondering how I could get a picture of the wedding dress from the wedding crash scene of the movie?

  11. Elisa, I'm afraid I don't know much about the clothes Amy Adams wears in Leap Year other than that they are super cute! I hope you're able to find some info on them!

    Hello Basinger!
    I am not sure where to find pictures of the dress, I usually look in google images, you could try that. I hope you find some!

    ~Anna Kristine



Although I continually talk about movie costumes on this blog, I am not a movie reviewer. Not all the films I discuss are recommended and I do not choose to review weather they are appropriate or not for the simple fact that every person's standards are different. Something that is fine for me may be offensive to some one else and visa versa. If you would like to look into the appropriateness of a title, I recommend I have not seen all the movies I discuss, and am simply interested in the art of clothes in film. I will leave you to decide for yourself if you will watch the movie or not.


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