
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Something Regency....

Is swirling around in my mind....

I'm digging through my fabric today and have quite a pile of things to make Regency clothes out's so hard to decide what to make first though! Will update soon with my progress. :)


  1. it's always nice and easy to make regency clothes!

    But from what movie is the last picture? I can't remember having seen her before :S

  2. Welmoed, I agree! I think that's why I make Regency most's so much simpler than most other eras. :)
    The last picture is from the movie 'Copying Beethoven'.

    Lady Gwenea, I love Regency clothing too. :) It's one of my favorite eras.

  3. Ooo, I love Regency! Have fun and make something lovely!


  4. Hi, just want to say im still loving your blog, and I went to an evening event called undressing Mr Darcey, which was two actors , and one the guy was dressed in authentic regency clothes and a lady dressed in period dress and she talked about regency clothes,etiquette stories from the period etc,, and slowly undressed the regency dandy explaining and about each article of clothing ,so entertaining , very enlightening, think you would have enjoyed it! bestest wishes,Linda

  5. Hi, just want to say im still loving your blog, and I went to an evening event called undressing Mr Darcey, which was two actors , and one the guy was dressed in authentic regency clothes and a lady dressed in period dress and she talked about regency clothes,etiquette stories from the period etc,, and slowly undressed the regency dandy explaining and about each article of clothing ,so entertaining , very enlightening, think you would have enjoyed it! bestest wishes,Linda

  6. Oh, those gowns are gorgeous... why can't us girls still wear things like that?:)

  7. Vintage Heart, that does sound interesting and educational! I would love to learn more about men's historic costumes one of these days...:)

    Caroline, I know right? ;) If only we could walk down the street in Regency costume with out being looked at as though we're a parade. haha ;)

  8. Yes indeed, I love the Regency gowns myself. I made one midcalf to wear so that I don't look like I am on parade and surprisingly, no one stared.

  9. I love everything you do! It is so amazing. I'm going to start some regency underthings as soon as I get the materials. And I'm really excited. How do you find time to make all of these clothes???


  10. Peddy, I bet your dress turned out lovely!

    Katherine, I don't get a lot done but I can't sit very long with out having my hands I work on things in the evenings or while watching movies so I always have some sort of project going. :) Good luck with your Regency things! It's one of my favorite eras!
