
Saturday, August 14, 2010

The day has come...

Can you believe it? After two years of aching wrists, Pirates of the Caribbean marathons, late nights and hot cups of strong tea, the infamous corset is DONE.
In-fa-mous: having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil

A grand total of 79 hand sewn eyelets...40 pieces of boning... I do still need to find lacing...and have some proper pictures taken.
Keep a weather eye on the horizon...


  1. wow, what an accomplishment!!! They turned out beautifully. And I bet now that all the hard work's done you'll find laces in no time. I'd want to wear them anyway. ;)

  2. Congratulations! It looks lovely and I can't wait to see your "official" pictures!

  3. The corset is perfect!!

    I love your blog! I've just discovered it, searching for "Bright Star" custom designer
    I love knit and sew too
    Greetings from Argentina!

  4. It. Is. Beautiful! Your hard work has most certainly paid off! Very nice ;]

  5. Congratulatons!!! It is beautiful.

    Have A Blessed day

    Ileigh Jean

  6. Hand-sewn eyelets; wow, such dedication to the period! Stunning.

  7. Congratulations! A well done job
    it turned out beautiful!

    Have a blessed day

    Ileigh Jean

  8. Well Done! Just wanted to say - that I like this background (the bolts of clothe) the best. :O)

    PS: thanks for the emails in response to the Bright Star questions! Sure did appreciate your help!

  9. Yay! I'm so glad you're done, it's so exciting! ...and beautiful!

  10. Hey =] I am starting to look at making my own Elizabeth Swann costumes! :s lol Starting simple... =] What material did you use, to make the corset..? And just wondered if you have a photo of your final product..? =] xxx If it's easier I am on Twitter: @IamLizzie =] thanks! :D
