
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Series of Unfortunate Events...

Hello Friends!
I'm sorry I've been so absent seems when one thing decides to break, everything does. Thus my lap top is not working and I've somehow offended the feeling of two sewing machines resulting in neither of them working for me. So I have been knitting here and there but mostly getting our new house ready to be moved into. I'm really quite excited about setting up sewing in a more permanent place. I'm trying to figure out just how I'm going to set it up. But that's all part of the fun. :)

So at the moment I'm up to my elbows in painting my bedroom and I shall hopefully be able to show lovely pictures one of these days. It's quite different from my usual style but I think it's going to be quite nice in the end.

Hopefully I'll get sewing machine working as well so I can get back to some projects I was in the middle of. Oh dear. Now you see why I hand sew. ;)


  1. So exciting! I love this picture too. It makes me want a sewing room just so I can make it look like that. =]
    xo Marg

  2. I like moving only for the redecorating. :)

  3. aw no good! I've definitely had some battles with my sewing machine before. Hope you're up and running again soon. And I'm looking forward to seeing the finished room pics! I just decorated the house for fall, too fun! :)
