
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Elizbethtown... what I like to call this hat because it reminds me of the red hat Kirsten Dunst wears in the movie Elizabethtown. :)
Sorry about the poor photo quality...and the little gold safety pin is holding onto a stitch I dropped somewhere. What can I say...I'm not perfect! ;)

This was my first time knitting a hat so I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out even though I did drop a stitch (or two or three). It's a little snug for my big head somebody may end up getting it in their Christmas stocking this year. ;) I love knitting...


  1. OH! It looks stunning! Great job! I love the little hearts!

  2. It does look like the Elizabethtown hat! That is such a great movie. :) Good job with your first hat--they are my favorite things to knit!

  3. I love that pattern! so pretty! I guess I'm not the only one in love with the red hat in Elizabeth Town. :)
    If it makes you feel better, I did horribly with my first hat. had to rip back 7 times in the first few rows before I figured out what on earth I was doing or rather, doing wrong! Probably didn't help that it was also my first project working in the round and doing cables. I laugh now at my bravery, thinking I could just jump into so many new things at once. but I did learn a lot.
