
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Where I've been Lately...

Planning my wedding...
Yes, I'm getting married! You can read my story here: The Story.
I am making my wedding dress so I'm going to be super busy the next few months. (The wedding is in August) And I wont be able to post pics for fear my fiancée will see them! But I'm planning on keeping a photo diary to share when it's all over. :)
I plan on continuing to post now and then...but I just wanted to let you all know what I'm up to and why I may not be posting as often.
Hope you're all having a happy Tuesday!
~Anna Kristine


  1. Oh, how exciting! You must be having so much fun. :) We'll look forward to the photo posts later on. :)

  2. Congratulations! That is such exciting news. Marriage really is wonderful, and I wish you & your fiance all the best!

  3. How exciting, I can't wait till it is done! And congratulations on your wedding!

  4. OH! Congratulations!

    I wish you could post pictures... well, have to wait for August!

  5. What exciting news! Congratulations! I'm sure your gown will be lovely. I look forward to seeing the photos when you're able to post them!

  6. That's wonderful! Congratulations! I can hardly wait to see your gown, you make such beautiful things.

  7. Congratulations! Many blessings to in your new married life!

  8. AHHHH! Obviously I need to check your blog more! Congrats! I'm excited to see you dress!
