
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back in Business

After two months of wedding dress idea hunting, bridesmaid dress fabric shopping, tux shops, etc, I am back home with enough stuff to keep me busy until the wedding. :) I ended up finding a wedding dress that I LOVE and was on sale so cheap I bought it and I'm going to add some stuff to it. So, although I'm not going to make my dress from scratch, I still get to add some 'me' to it and I'm much more satisfied with that. The concept of making my own wedding dress was getting a little overwhelming so I'm glad I was able to find something so perfect! I'm still going to keep a photo diary of the changes I'm making to the dress which I will share on here after the wedding. :) In the meantime, I opened my shop up again and the 50% off sale is still going on a little longer! I'm hoping I will have some time here and there in between wedding sewing to add some new things. And now that I'm home....maybe I will blog more. I'm hoping I will because I miss it and all of you. How is your Spring going? ~Anna Kristine


  1. Hello Anna, welcome back! Jenny called me the other day, and I heard that you had stayed with them, how fun :) I will be home for the summer so if you ever come into town let's get together!

    So excited to see wedding stuff :)


  2. That's awesome with your wedding dress! I'm doing the same thing! Can't wait to see pics :)

  3. Have fun working on your dress! :o) I can't wait to see the pictures!
