
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bella's Mittens

I finished my Bella mittens this evening! :) I don't know if there's anything quite so satisfying as binding off a knitting project. What has seemed like a never ending project suddenly seems like I only started it yesterday and I have to catch myself before I get too ambitious and cast on another pair. The pattern was easy enough, but the cross stitch palms are time consuming and can get tiring after awhile. I will try to take better pictures tomorrow in the daylight.
But for now...I must go to sleep...


  1. Finished projects are so satisfying! You're gloves look great!

  2. uh huh... I started those... and could not seem to pick them up again :(
    This has inspired me! Thank you :)

  3. They have taken me a fair amount of time! I started these in November of 2009 (*blush*) I had a hard time picking them back up again but I finally did and made myself finish them and I'm glad I did! It feels s good to complete a project!
