
Thursday, May 19, 2011

A new skirt

I've been busily sewing away all day and have two completed projects to show for it. One is this skirt:
I hemmed it with deep blue bias tape and feather stitched on top with my machine:
I love my sewing machine!
It's too late to take pictures of the other project I finished...maybe tomorrow. :)
~Anna Kristine


  1. Nice hem :) You got to use your new bias tape maker! Yay :) Funny that you didn't have time to take pictures of your other project for the blog but sent one to me but not of the skirt which you posted (did you?) :-P Love you!

  2. Ooh! I love that! So summery and beautiful!


  3. That's adorable! I love it! You did an awesome job. :o)

  4. Very cute! It's such a great feeling to finish a project.

    I really should work on some of my ongoing projects... Thanks for the motivation!
