
Thursday, December 29, 2011


I've been enjoying the holiday, doing some knitting, watching movies, and playing games with my husband. I got him Dominion for Christmas with the Seaside extension so we have been having fun with that. 

And guess what he got me? Well just look here...
That's right...The COMPLETE Robin Hood series, North and South and Little Dorrit. Gosh, I feel so spoiled. Does he know me well or what? Now I can give the librarians a rest from putting these on hold all the time. :)
I think there may be some costume studies in the near future! :)
I also pulled all my costume fabrics out the other day to do some costume planning...I ended up getting overwhelmed! I don't know where to start! But one of my New Year's resolutions is to use as much of my fabric stash (that is already intended for something) as I can so here is a start.
Well, I must be off to bed. How were your holidays? Do you have any New Year's resolutions, sewing or otherwise?


  1. I would like to use some of my fabric stash this year as well. I'm going to try not to buy more fabric except when it's for a specific gift for someone. I'm going to try not to buy fabric for myself. If you look at my etsy favorites right now you'll see I'm not doing too good. Ha ha!


  2. What lovely gifts! I'm always making sewing related New Year's resolutions. This year the main (and only one, so far) is to finish 12 quilts. Yikes!
