
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Under the Greenwood Tree

I'm watching Under the Greenwood Tree while working on Christmas presents and I always forget how much I love this movie. I love the the simplicity of it and the costumes are so pretty!
 I really want to try and make a corset one of these days!

 I love the lower waist dresses and smaller skirts and sleeves of this era much better than Civil War era.
Alright....I must get back to present making. But I'm so inspired for costumes right now.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, I really like that Under the Greenwood Tree has a romantic plot where the hero isn't rich. Also, I talked my mannequin-dressing partner into calling our girl "Fancy Day" because the dress we were putting on her was from ca. 1845. :D
