
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 Challenge: January, Share What You've Made!

Can you believe that January is already at an end? How are those challenges coming? I'd love to see what you've completed! Feel free to share a link to your blog post of your finished project(s)! I know my challenge is  to complete a costume each month, but if you're doing a different challenge still feel free to share! I think it will be inspiring to see whatever you're working on!
Participants for January:


 ♥ Anna Kristine


  1. Hey, Anna! I just loaded pictures to my blog of the quilts I finished this month. They were easy and 2 of them took from 8 to 12 hours to complete, so it looks like I was being an over-achiever. But it should all even out over the year. :) Enjoy the pics.

  2. Hello my dear! What a splendid idea you had! This is just what I need to inspire me! So, I just finished my first post! I hope you like it!

  3. Very Exciting. I can't remember how I found your blog - but have been checking it - mostly without commenting - for over a year. I just love watching all the things you create. I won't be joining in the challenge - but wanted to let you know I'll be watching!

  4. I didn't leave a link since I'm not blogging (very much) about my costume. But I'm 3/4 of the way through an 18th century petticoat. I'm very excited since this is my first sewing project. I have a pattern for an 18th century shortgown that I will be trying out next. All for my first re-enactment in March!
