
Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012 Challenge

I have always wanted to do a challenge of some kind on my blog to hopefully have a support group behind me helping me reach some of my goals. When I set challenges with other people I'm more likely to reach them. 
My goal for 2012 is to finish twelve costumes! One a month, for 12 months. It is the year of twelve! I have a pile of fabric that is all intended for costumes and I need to finally make myself sit down and make them as well as a few unfinished costumes I hope to finish.
I already feel as though I am going to fail at this...but I'm going to give it all I've got and even if I finish the year off only having made half that many, I'm way ahead of where I was last year.
So what do you think? Do you have a similar goal? Maybe yours isn't costumes but quilts, or something knitted and so on. But even a knitted projects could work as a costume...depending what it is. :)
I'm not sure what costumes I will make yet but the collage here is an inspiration board for things I've always wanted to make. I have already been working on my first costume which you will see here soon!
If you want to join this particular challenge then leave a comment and every month post photos of your finished costume and share the link!
Look forward to seeing what you all will make in the new year!


  1. LOVE this idea! I wish I had the motivation to sew a costume each month. I have a big long list of projects that I want to accomplish this year though. Good luck on your challenge!!

  2. Well I am a little in awe here... I think it's a brilliant (and motivating) challenge, and you have the best attitude to get right into it. I have my own little challenge going on this year (in the form of mixed media and papercraft but with a touch of fabric in there somewhere so who knows where that will lead...) but I am hoping to follow along with you and give you any moral support when necessary!! :D

    Plus I am just dying to see what creations you come up with.

    So yeah - go for it!! And enjoy.

  3. This is so funny! I am also on my own challenge for 2012 to finish 12 quilts. I have a list of my UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and put them in order of simplest/quickest to most time consuming. I've already had 2 finishes and am hoping for a third before the end of January. The only reason I'm trying to crank them out so quickly is that I don't know what kind of time I'll have after May. I look forward to seeing how you're doing throughout the year!

  4. Yes, please, make them and come to Oregon so we can do a photo shoot!:)

  5. Thanks for all your encouragement. I am excited!

    Veronica, you're amazing!

    Marina, I would LOVE that! Seriously. :)

  6. I do! I do!
    I'm going to start right now. lets see it's already the 17th... Does it have to be a specific from-a-movie costume? or could it be one I designed?

  7. Aimee, no it doesn't have to be from a movie, you can definitely design it!
