
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

BBC Great Expectations 2012

There is a new Great Expectations coming out that looks interesting. I haven't ever read the book or seen a movie of it so I don't really know the story but I love Charles Dickens and the costumes look wonderful! It looks a little on the creepy side, but then it is Dickens.

 I really like this dress:

It will be interesting to see what it's like! And I'm interested in seeing more costumes!


  1. I've seen in on BBC 2, last December. Though I haven't read the book, I've seen the 1999 version with Ioan Gruffudd. This version -in my opinion - gives the characters more depth and explains the how's an why's much better. And those costumes... *deep sigh* loved it!

  2. Good to know you liked it! I look forward to seeing it! :)

  3. Mm! Didn't know they were making this! I saw an older version awhile ago. I think I liked it... it's been a long time.


  4. Ooh... these images are enough for me to want to see this.

    I just wanted to say Hullo! as I used to follow your blog in my previous bloggy life (at August Street) and am so glad to have rediscovered you!


  5. I agree with Anja - in general, I think the 1990s adaptations are more technically faithful, in general, but the newer ones make the characters more well-rounded even if they alter the plots a bit.

  6. You should definitely read the book if you have time. It is one of my favorites.

    Yes, the costumes look great!

  7. I read Great Expectations in high school and just loved it. The Justine Waddell/Ioan Gruffard movie version was so-so. Not one that I pull out very often... So I'm really looking forward to this one! I've watched the three preview clips from YouTube I don't know how many times... And you found more pictures than I had yet seen!

    Did you know there are actually two new versions coming out this year of GE? The other one stars Helena Bonham-Carter and is supposed to come to theaters (I think). I love HBC, and I think she'll actually do a better job playing the very disturbed (insane?) Miss Havisham - though Anderson should be excellent in the role as well. A few pictures can be found here:

  8. WHAAAA!!!! That looks creepy! I wonder if it'll be good..

    Love you Anna!!

  9. Mimic of Modes: I will have to try and read the book first then I can compare! I haven't seen any versions or read the book so I won't know what is spot on or not! :)

    Rachel, I'm looking forward to reading it!

    Kiri, I didn't know there was another one! I love Helena Bonham Carter too! I look forward to seeing it!

    Marguerite, I know it does look rather creepy...but so is Bleak House and Little Dorrit in some I'm hoping it will be good too! I love you too! :)
