
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Project: The Holiday Fireside Sweater

I've always loved this sweater Cameron Diaz wears in the movie The Holiday and for my birthday my friend bought me the Fireside Sweater pattern based on this sweater!

 I love the look of this's so cozy and has so many cables!
My husband ordered yarn for me to make it (his birthday present to me) so here it is so far:
 Don't look too close...I've already made a couple mistakes with cables overlapping the wrong way in a couple places. But I can't bring myself to rip it out and start over. It's not that noticeable to me to maybe no one else will notice either? And it is my first it will have some imperfections I'm sure.
Can't wait to finish this and snuggle up and wear it! Hopefully I can finish it before the weather turns warm!
Off to knit I go...
Keep warm!
~Anna Kristine


  1. Looks good! I had my first experience with cables a couple weeks ago, and just love them! Though, there weren't nearly as many as you are doing! Have fun. :o)

  2. You've gotten so far on this! Well done! I think i spied a photo of Herbert Pocket and so.....
    *leaves hurriedly*
    hee hee!
    love you Anna!

  3. Kelsie, aren't they fun? This is the most cables I think I've done in one project yet! Except for the cabled blanket I am making.

    Aimee, heehee, you're funny! Love you too!

  4. beautiful!

    It was fun to talk to you earlier!

    Love you!

  5. I did my first (and only, so far) cables on a pair of socks last summer. I got a few of them turned and twisted, too. It's easy to do. Especially, when you're visiting with someone or watching TV! I look forward to seeing how the sweater turns out!

  6. One of the prettiest sweaters ever! Can't wait to see it all done. Happy knitting!
