
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blog Organization

I put up some pages under my blog header that now will take you directly to specific costume studies or my finished costume links...that should be a lot easier than trying to sift through everything trying to find a certain thing! I think it will especially help with the Robin Hood costume Studies since there are so many of them, now you can click on the specific character in whichever season you want to see. I also added what I'm currently working on and what I'm planning ahead for, just in case you are curious!
And in case you're wondering what happened to the Robin Hood costume studies...the site I was using for screen caps shut down so I am waiting until I can find another source or figure out how to do them myself before I can continue. I haven't forgotten! :) I also have another costume study in progress that I will start one of these days...but I don't want to get ahead of myself!
Off to do some organizing in my house now...
♥ Anna Kristine

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