
Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side

Whenever I make myself focus on one costume project, every other costume looks so much more interesting!
I'm dreaming about these...

But focusing on this....
I guess it's not so bad after all. 
♥ Anna Kristine


  1. That's how I feel whenever I am working on a project--I get some many other ideas of things to make that it's hard to concentrate on one project! It would be so much fun to make a costume from Marie Antoinette, but your Maid Marian costume looks really pretty too!!

  2. Yeah, I have always struggled with this! I usually give in and end up working on so many projects nothing gets finished! I'm going to make myself focus though! It will be worth it! And I know I will be glad I did. :)
    I would love to make a Marie Antoinette costume! I have some 18th century planned costumes, but I'm not sure when I will get around to them!

  3. I recognize all the other costumes/actors except the one right above Downton Abbey; can you refresh my memory? The actress is familiar but I can't think what production this still is from.

  4. The one above Downton Abbey is Tess of the D'Urbervilles, I haven't seen it yet but the costumes are amazing! :)

  5. I adore all of Kirsten Dunst's costumes in "Marie Antoinette." I would really like to have the blue satin gown with the red ribbon (when she's dreaming about Axel Von Fersen) for my Revolutionary re-enacting wardrobe, but it's too nice for camping!

  6. Yes! I love the first one of Lizzy! That spencer is to die for!
    I like the 1910's one too! What is it from?

  7. Caroline, I love that dress too!

    Marg, it's from Downton Abbey. :)
