
Monday, March 5, 2012

A Clever Yarn

My dear friend Kacie has just opened an Etsy shop called A Clever Yarn, you should definitely check it out! She designs and makes makes the cutest fox stoles as well as some hats and an awesome fabric purse. (And I'm sure many more things to come)
 Aren't they just too cute and cuddly?

She also has a wonderful blog called Kacie's Knitting Adventure where you can follow along on her many creative endeavors. She is also knitting her way through the Lord of the Rings characters, so far she has made Gandalf, Frodo and Sam. Aren't they incredible? I find her blog a constant source of inspiration. She is also making a 1904 wardrobe and 1863 undergarments as well as many other things.
So go visit her shop and blog and be inspired!
♥ Anna Kristine

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