
Friday, March 16, 2012

Favorite Shirt

I have always been afraid of knit fabric, I'm not sure why. Maybe because the one time I tried to make something with knit it turned into a disaster. But recently I decided to take courage and plunge into my knit fabric stash, the worse thing that could happen is it wouldn't work out, and the alternative is that the fabric would never get I did it. 

This is my favorite black's been my favorite for years, it's so comfy and the yoke top adds just the right amount of drape to keep the shirt from fitting too tight but still not be baggy, and the sleeves have just the tiniest bit of puff to them. So I decided to try to replicate it, following a few different tutorials. (This one was really helpful)
 And the result...I now have a new favorite shirt...and I've fallen in love with knit fabric!
Now I can't wait to use up my stash and make some more shirts! I also never knew how nicely knit's seriously amazing. I am now a fan. :)
How do you feel about knit fabric?
♥ Anna Kristine


  1. Oh my goodness! It turned out SO beautiful! I want one...


  2. such a great idea :) (and it turned it beautifully.)

    i have yet to dive into the world of knit fabrics. i am a bit nervous... but someday!

  3. Oh, you may have just inspired me to try using knits! I've always been scared of them, but really loved the ones at the store. We'll see... :o)

  4. What a fabulous job! Conquering a fear and finding a new love at the same time. Love the shirt!
