
Monday, May 5, 2008

Elizabeth Swann's Dotted Swiss Chemise

I've always been in awe of the gorgeous costumes in Pirates of the Caribbean. I love every detail from the beaded embroidery on Elizabeth's gowns to the pirate costumes full of holes and worn to look as though they truly have been at sea for ages.
I am one who never seems to be able just to admire costumes...I must recreate them! I would love to recreate every costume in this trilogy. :)
I am starting very basic with the first gown we see Elizabeth Swann in. (not counting when she was little)

The Gold Gown:

*Sigh*...isn't it wonderful? begin we must have the proper underpinnings. I am starting with the chemise.

The chemise is made from dotted swiss, which I couldn't find any proper dotted swiss at our local fabric stores and the real thing online is $50 a yard! So I bought some white on white cotton print which I think is really quite lovely!
I found this perfect lace for the sleeves in a box of lace and trims a friend gave to us...I need to put a binding along the edge before I attatch it to the sleeve.
I've already started the chemise...I will update with some notes as soon as I can for how I've made it. I made up my own pattern!


  1. I too love all the Pirates costumes. How exciting that you're recreating Elizabeth's gown! I'll be looking eagerly forward to updates. Your past work has been so detailed and exquisite; I'm sure this will be no different!


  2. Thank you Clare! I'm excited to make these costumes! Although I may have to put them off for awhile as I am moving to England in June for 5 months. But I'll be back and shall try to pick up wherever I leave off! :)
