
Friday, May 9, 2008

Love this...

I love this picture from the film 'The Edge of Love'. I think the mix of cute feminine dresses with wellies is perfection. I just can't get over how darling it looks. :)

Love the costume on the right!


  1. Hey there my friend! That's a cute picture. The girls and I are making dresses and we were going to wear our "wellies" with them! We are SO in style. *snicker*

    Yes, I know, I was supposed to be in bed hours ago but here I am....
    I'll miss you. Let's get together when I get back. I think we should go see Made of Honor.... :)
    Love you!

  2. Oh yes indeed, you definately are so fashionably in style! And you even would have been if you had lived in England in the 40's. ;)
    Can't wait to get together. :)
