
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Peek...

At what I'm thinking so far for my "Duchess" inspired dress. :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Duchess

I went to see The Duchess with my mom and sister was so beautiful. The filming, the scenery, the soundtrack...but mostly, the costumes! I just loved every one that came on. I kept nudging my mom and saying "Oooh, I love that dress!"

So, I have the perfect fabric and I'm going to start making a dress based on this dress:
I love it. I wish I could find better pictures of it online, it's so gorgeous in the film!

Lots of notes to follow....:)
NOTE: I would not recommend this movie for everyone as it does have some offensive content. It is rated PG-13 for a reason! Check out the review here, if your concerned.

Being Inspired

What happens when I get inspired:
My bed turns into a fashion design studio. :) Which can be pretty messy!

Something I'm working on designing which will be in my shop soon.
I just had to share with you my new button organizer:
It has two sides and it's small and compact and perfect for keeping those stray buttons from getting seperated.

I'm hoping to get some sewing done today so you shall see some new finished projects soon!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Elizabeth Swann Corset Update

Here's the bit of the corset I finished boning during the Lord of the Rings marathon. It was so much fun. :)
A close up of the hand stitching:
Inside of corset:
I need to watch another movie now so I can get more done. Hmmm, maybe a Pirates marathon? ;)

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I got about a 6th of my Elizabeth Swann corset boned yesterday during our Lord of the Rings marothon. I decided to go ahead and do it all by hand...and it's actually really fun. I'll post pictures of my progress soon.

But right now I wanted to share with you one of my dream dresses that I would love to make. The "Breathe Gown" from the beautiful film Ever After. I really want to make this dress and I just might start planning it and keeping my eyes open for little bits and pieces to go on it. It's extreemly detailed...which I think is why I want to make it. I love detail. are some pictures for you to enjoy:

So, that's one on the list of future projects. :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

PS I Love You

I adore the clothes in this movie. They almost distract me from how wonderful the story is. :)
I've been having a hard time finding really good pictures of the clothes in this movie but I finally found a few...just had to share. :D

ETA: I get a lot of requests for the red plaid dress worn by Hilary Swank in this movie but I do not take custom orders for this dress and do not plan to do so in the future. Sorry for any inconvenience!