
Sunday, October 12, 2008


I got about a 6th of my Elizabeth Swann corset boned yesterday during our Lord of the Rings marothon. I decided to go ahead and do it all by hand...and it's actually really fun. I'll post pictures of my progress soon.

But right now I wanted to share with you one of my dream dresses that I would love to make. The "Breathe Gown" from the beautiful film Ever After. I really want to make this dress and I just might start planning it and keeping my eyes open for little bits and pieces to go on it. It's extreemly detailed...which I think is why I want to make it. I love detail. are some pictures for you to enjoy:

So, that's one on the list of future projects. :)


  1. I LOOOOOVE THIS MOVIE!!! All the actors are my favorite and the Era is one of my favorites and the dresses are...breathtaking!

  2. Would you make the wings too? :)

    so beautiful! one of my favourites!

  3. I am looking for a seamstress to make this dress for me actually. I am having a victorian style wedding and it would be PERFECT! ( without the wings of course though...)
