
Monday, October 6, 2008

PS I Love You

I adore the clothes in this movie. They almost distract me from how wonderful the story is. :)
I've been having a hard time finding really good pictures of the clothes in this movie but I finally found a few...just had to share. :D

ETA: I get a lot of requests for the red plaid dress worn by Hilary Swank in this movie but I do not take custom orders for this dress and do not plan to do so in the future. Sorry for any inconvenience! 


  1. ooo those are some darling clothes, I haven't watched this movie yet cause my mom said she thought it was dumb and we tend to have the same taste in films... did you like it?

  2. I loved the movie and rented it on Amazon I'm watching for the 3rd time while typing this. :) Go watch it. It's so romantic and sad but sweet and funny. The women are hilarious in the movie.
