
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2007 Persuasion

I've just watched the new Persuasion for the first time. :) And yes, I know I'm WAY behind. ;) But I loved it.
The only thing...Captain Wentworth wasn't quite weatherbeaten enough, wouldn't you think? But never mind, he was quite lovely.
I confess, no costumes stood out to me the first time watching it. But maybe next time I will notice more. I was quite swept away by the acting. Though I can't help laughing at Mr. Eliot's shoes in this picture. What a peacock! I loved how he carried a miniture mirror with him.
And you may recognize Anne's spencer as being worn by Kitty in the BBC mini series of Pride and Prejudice. (Or else a very similar one.)
I thought this was one of the most beautiful scenes, there's something about a man in full costume astride a horse. ;)
Overall I thought it was beautiful. Now I want to go read the book again...


  1. This has got to be one of my FAVORITE movies! I agree with you, the acting was great! I love the ladies dresses.

  2. I haven't seen it yet!

    But, oh, capes and horses and a man in full gallop coming to your rescue....*sigh*

  3. I LOVED this version of Persuasion. It has to be one of my favorites of the new Austen set. The actor who plays Colonel Wentworth is so swoon-worthy!

  4. My mom told me yesterday that she just watched this version. she liked it a lot better than the other one. I haven't seen any of the new Jane Austen ones yet. :( some day!

  5. You can watch them on YouTube! That's where I ended up watching it the other night. :)
    The nice thing about that too is they are usually the full versions. I got Northanger Abbey on DVD in the Daily Mail while I was living in England, it had more parts than the version I watched here in the States. *sigh*

  6. I'm here from Casey's Musings. You exactly got it! I *adore* this Colonel Wentworth, but he needs a sea worn tan or something to be quite accurate!

    (lovely blog, btw! :D)

  7. Edit: or maybe I'm here from A Banner of Crimson? This is what I get for having so many tags up! :blush:

  8. This is my favorite adaptation of Persuasion. Rupert Penry-Jones had a lot to do with it. ;)

    Just found your blog--very cool! :)
