
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Finished Project

I've been getting some serious sewing done the past couple days. :) I made a list of all my projects I haven't finished and I'm making myself finish them before I start anything else.
One of the things was this Regency blouse I started last year. It's perfect for Spring! See more pictures HERE.


  1. haha! bravo! isn't it so nice to complete things? :) and I think in the end you really have more time and finish projects faster when you do them one at a time and force yourself to finish it because you're excited about another something you want to make and so you just keep least that's how it works for me. :) anyway, darling top the fabric and details are lovely!

  2. Oh, thank you girlies. :)
    AnnaMae, I decided to try your method. You inspired me! It's working well so far! :)

  3. This is a really cute blouse. I have always thought about making one with the regency dress pattern, but I have just never gotten around to it. Congratulations on getting something checked off your list!
