
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lady Alan-a-Dale

I completely fell in love with this coat from Jules Mae on Etsy.
I want it. :) It reminds me of something Alan-a-Dale would wear. Except this would look way better on me. ;) But doesn't it look like it's built for adventures? *sigh* If only I had $240 to spend. But it's wonderful to dream....:)


  1. *drool* Such a gorgeous coat! Love, love it!

  2. Thanks for getting back to me, didn't dawn on me untill later I should have just looked up regency jackets. hehe.
    Thanks also for the info, I was trying to decide a style for a jacket I'm making, the info might come in handy later tho as the jackets are just beautiful!
    I like this jacket from etsy too...very nice taste you have!

  3. So cute! Too bad its now Spring and I won't need anything like that for awhile...I guess that gives me more time to dream about it!
