
Monday, August 31, 2009

"Alice" Patterns

I was browsing around for some Alice looking patterns and although none of these are exactly like her dress in the film, they had a Alice like quality that I couldn't resist and could be easily used to make her dress or one inspired by hers.

This one can be bought HERE.

This one can be bought HERE.

This one can be bought HERE.

If your interested in the rick rack skirt outfit, check out my friend AnnaMae's blog, Confessions of a Costume Addict. She's working on replicating it! It's going to be amazing!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Queen of Hearts Project

I found this pattern which I think will work great for the bodice of the Red Queen costume for my sister. She's decided not to go full on with authentic undergarments to keep the cost down so I think this pattern would work great with just a little tweaking. :)
I'm hoping to grab it during the next JoAnn's pattern sale and then start fabric hunting.

Her friend has also decided to be the Mad Hatter so I'll need to start researching his costume soon! These are going to be fun projects!

I've been collecting pattern options for some of Alice's dresses which I will try and get a post done this week.
Hope your all having a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crazy about Stripes

I've had a thing for stripes this past year...I just think striped costumes are so eye catching and bold. I love them.
Here are a few of my favorite striped costumes from films:

Sleepy Hollow

The Duchess

Pride and Prejudice

Anna Karenina
When I'm caught up on some of my current projects I'm going to make something striped. They just take my breath away. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Young Victoria US Release Date

Finally a date has been set. :) The Young Victoria is set to release in the US on November 13, 2009. I'm so excited and can hardly wait!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Moon Pics

I can hardly wait for New Moon to come out. :) I ran across these picture on Costumers Guide and just had to share them in case there are any other Twilight fans out there. :)

These two pics are my favorite of Bella and Jacob, I love the one when he's walking behind her. Cool shot. :)

Can't wait to get a better look at Bella's party dress. That green fabric looks divine.

And then of course Alice is always dressed adorably...she and Jasper are so cute. :)

I'm super excited for this to come out. I just finished reading through the book for the second time. I can't wait to see how they do the scenes in Italy in the movie. :)

I found pictures of Dakota Fanning as Jane awhile back which looked awesome...if they were real. It's hard sometimes to sort real out from fan made stuff sometimes so I'm not going to post about it until I'm sure it's what she looks like. :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Maid Marian Fashion Event

I'm so excited about Amanda Beth Flynn's upcoming online event Maid Marian's Wardrobe. Click on the image above or the link I've added to the side of my blog for more info.

I'm such a Maid Marian (and Robin) fan...I'm super excited for this! It's also reminded me that I'm way behind on my Robin Hood costume studies. I'll get back onto that soon.

Anyway...I hope you all can participate!
~Anna Kristine

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Me and Orson Welles

I saw the trailer to this the other day and I think it looks amazing! It's a film about a young teenager cast in the Mercury Theatre production of "Julius Ceasar" directed by a young Orson Welles in 1937.
Richard Samuels is played by Zac Efron, Sonja Jones is played by Claire Danes, and Orson Welles is played by Christian McKay.

The costumes look brilliant! I love Claire Danes outfits and all the guys look quite dashing in their wool coats. I love the 1930's. :)

I'm going to admit something, I used to totally mock Zac Efron...but I'm starting to really like him. He's an amazing young actor, sort of reminds me of a young Leonardo DiCaprio. I'm excited to see him in a period role outside of high school. I'm also a huge Claire Danes fan so I'm excited to see her in it!

Here is the brilliantly done trailer:

Market Bag Sale :)

I'm having a special sale in my shop on my market bags for this week. Go check it out!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Elizabeth Swann Corset Progress

Alright...I've finally taken pictures of the progress of my corset...I'm almost there!
Here is the first half pinned on my dress form. The front:

Side and back:

For awhile I was joking that I should just tie the one half corset on myself and say it's for a Mad Hatter party. haha But I have prevailed and I'm almost done with the second half!

I finished the boning in the second half yesterday while watching Little Dorrit. Yay! But that sad part is I'm out of I'll have to wait to finish it until I can get to the fabric store.
I'm so excited to be so close to done!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Red Queen: Patterns

My sister has decided (she thinks) that she wants to be the Queen of I am starting research just to see how much it will all cost and such. The closest pattern I've found so far is Simplicity 3782 for the bodice (the gold one):
I think it would be easy to change the sleeves slightly and I'll need to add the collar.

Another close pattern that would be cool is Simplicity 2589:

It needs a bit more adjusting but it's so beautiful. :) These patterns look like they will need correct undergarments so another option if she's not wanting to bother with all that is to use a simple pattern like McCall's 5954:

Definitely not nearly as cool but still could be adjusted to work. :)
I'm excited to get started on this project...but it might not be for a little while. But it's never too early to start researching!
I'm excited to see who Chelsea chooses to be. I'm half tempted to dress up too. :)