
Friday, June 11, 2010

Updates and Alice

Hello friends! I know I haven't been a very faithful blogger, life has been so crazy and seems to just keep on getting crazier. I have a couple things I hope to get posted in the next couple weeks but then I'm not going to have much Internet access through the month of July so you may not see much of me until August.
I'm so thankful for all of you who follow this blog, you really inspire and motivate me! So thanks for sticking around. :)

Also, I finally saw Alice in Wonderland the other day. :) It was really well done, the filming and costumes were stunning. Weird, of course. I mean it's Tim Burton....but I like it. I usually like his films.
I must confess I don't like the book very much and never liked the movie growing up. So I'm not the best judge as an Alice fan, but I enjoyed it for what it was and I loved that there was so much of the Mad Hatter. That is the one chapter in the book I really did enjoy and I think Johnny Depp was fantastic.
All the costumes were great but I think seeing the Red Queen's gown on the big screen really took my breath away. AMAZING.
What did you all think of it, if you've seen it yet? Have you seen any other good costume films lately? :)
Hope you all have a lovely weekend,
~Anna Kristine


  1. I haven't even seen the movie yet! But the costumes do look glorious. I went through an Alice craze a few years ago and have loved it ever since. But still... it's extremely strange...

  2. I enjoyed it at parts... It was an okay movie. The costumes, however, were really FANTASTIC! :)

  3. I loved it, especially for the make up.
    I loved the wardrobe in "The Aviator". 2004

  4. I thought the movie was pretty good. I love the outfit with the rickrack that she wears in the last scene! :o)

  5. wow, something we don't have in common! I have been a huge Alice in wonderland fan since I was a little girl. It's always been my favorite Disney film, and I have at least 7 different copies of the books. :P hehe
    That said, I did like the movie, didn't love it but enjoyed it. costumes were awesome of course, I really liked the red queen as well as the red dress alice wears.
    Oh and I seriously laughed with glee when the caterpillar showed up and it's Alan Rickman! I'm a fan of his. Anyway, glad you enjoyed the movie too. I'll have to shoot you an email before you disappear for a month. :)

  6. the costumes were great! I loved looking at this film. :) not just watching but really looking at it!
