
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Downsizing and a Perfect Match

I've been seriously downsizing as we're moving again (same spot, just switching houses) and I just don't like having lots of stuff anyway. I like simple. But other way I have been needing to downsize is my purse. Last year I bought a big bag at Forever 21 (see here) which I have loved dearly and has served me well by fitting all my lunch and books and such for work in one bag, but it's so much bigger than I really need now and I've been on the hunt for a good small purse for quite some time with no success in finding just the right thing.
Well, I was thrift store shopping with a friend one day and I was just about to settle on a purse that would be okay (I can't even remember what it looked like, that's how unimpressive it was) when I noticed this little cutie hiding behind all the other bags:

Not only is it small and's GUESS and it was only 2 bucks. Yes, that's right. :) So anyway...I'm super thrilled with my find and then I got home and found a bunch of Italian receipts in the pocket which excited me quite further. The little thing is a world traveler to boot...I think we'll get along great. :)
So anyway...that's my latest accessory love story...
Any of you had any great finds lately?
~Anna Kristine


  1. awe! i love it. I recently have been wanting to go thrifting and find some AWESOME deals! so i'm trying to locate all of our local thrifts stores. :) yay!

  2. Cute purse!! My brother and I went to a thrift store the other day and I found a Hollister shirt, black cotton skirt and a cute purse as well. I think I spent like $8 for all of it. =)

  3. It's a very cute purse! I really like it!
