
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Inkheart and Knitting

I can't stop watching Inkheart. I'm watching it for the third time in three days right now, it inspires me. I love the clothes, the sets, the's my cup of tea. :)
But I've been getting a ways on my Bella Swan mittens while I'm watching it! I'm almost half done with the second mitten! However, I'm babysitting a friend's kittens and they sure do make knitting a challenge what with keeping them from running off with a mitten or a ball of yarn, not to mention climbing curtains and drinking out of my glass. ;)
I'd post a picture of my progress but I don't have my camera with me at the moment. But my how good progress feels!
Pictures soon, I promise!


  1. I love Inkheart it is one of my favorite movies, but I like the Inkheart Books much better. Have you read them?

    I am very glad your blogging again
    I greatly enjoy your blog.
    As a budding seamstress I love
    reading about your projects and
    hoping one day i'll sew as well as you do:)

  2. Hey lleigh Jean! I haven't read the books yet but they are on my list of books to read! Glad to hear you like them! Right now I'm reading the Eragon books which are really good too!
    I'm glad to be back to blogging too I've missed it! And I'm sure you'll be a great seamstress! It just takes practice and maybe a little bit of obsession. ;)
    Thanks for commenting!
    ~Anna Kristine

  3. I love Inkheart too! I read the first two books - not really my type of fiction (I'm not into fantasy books but I do like fantasy movies). But the movie is excellent!

  4. HI! I just found your blog, and this may not be teh most obvious post to say hi on, but I saw the Inkheart thing, and clicked on it. I love that movie! I have a blog about books, if you want to check it out...i also love LOTR, and Star Wars and Eragon, too.
    I absolutely love LOTR costumes and Star Wars costumes, and I hope to make some soon...i think i will start with LOTR since they have patterns for those... :)

    1. Hello! Thanks for saying hello! I love Inkheart too! :)
      You're blogs are really cool! And I'd love to see if you make any costumes!
      ♥ Anna
