
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Urban Renewal

I've been busily making gloves and finishing up tags the past few days to take down to this lovely shop in downtown Grants Pass, Oregon. It's such a satisfying feeling to have them all neat and ready to go with little descriptions on the back of each tag.

My friend Aimee from Pretty Wit helped me design these tags...aren't they awesome? I love that elephant so much.
So far I have 8 pairs down there...I nearly cleaned out my etsy shop so tomorrow it's all about getting my shop back up and going. :)
If your ever in Grants Pass, be sure to check out Urban Renewal! It's a really awesome shop, I end up buying something every time I go in there...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

I wasn't a huge fan of the last Pirates movie...and I have a feeling the next one might not be any better...but I'm still excited for the 4th movie, coming out in May, because I just love seeing those awesome scruffy pirate costumes...and as long as Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush are has to have some element of entertainment to it, right? ;)
Here's a few pictures I've come across so far...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Robin Hood

I finally got to see the new Robin Hood the other night! As soon as it started I regretted not getting out my Medieval costume to work on because it was so inspiring. So I confess, I missed part of the movie while I went and gathered my sewing. ;)
The costumes were GORGEOUS. I feel like it's been ages since I've watched a costume film and this movie was like a breath of fresh air with all the beautiful Medieval costumes.
Cate Blanchett was wonderful as Maid Marion and her costumes were so beautiful.

Robin Hood's costumes were really awesome too....I may have to continue my Robin Hood costume studies after I finish the BBC costume studies. :)

Just look at Robin's sleeve....sooo amazing. :)
Are you inspired yet? :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Elizbethtown... what I like to call this hat because it reminds me of the red hat Kirsten Dunst wears in the movie Elizabethtown. :)
Sorry about the poor photo quality...and the little gold safety pin is holding onto a stitch I dropped somewhere. What can I say...I'm not perfect! ;)

This was my first time knitting a hat so I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out even though I did drop a stitch (or two or three). It's a little snug for my big head somebody may end up getting it in their Christmas stocking this year. ;) I love knitting...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My new baby...

So far all I've done is some quilting...but there's mending to be done, jeans to hem, a billion projects to finish. This little machine will be well used and loved. :) Oh how good it is to have a sewing machine again!