
Sunday, October 31, 2010

In love..

With this Pinafore Pullover from Anthropologie. Can I make one now please??? :)


  1. wow just stumbled into your blog.

    I LOVE that pinafore dress!!! i want one as well.

    Great site

  2. WOW

    i LOVE that pinafore as well. It is totally fabulous!!!

    What a great site i just stumbled into it.

    Keep up the great work!

  3. That is GORGEOUS! I could really use your help on a civil war gown right now! Too bad we don't live closer.

  4. Wow - I am completely impressed and awed. Completely. I am turning 22 tomorrow and my mom bought me a lovely sewing center because I have determined to learn how to sew.
    Oh boy.
    I am incredibly encouraged by your blog, however my slim talent shivers and trembles at the thought of sewing anything more complicated than a straight lined slip :-)
    Keep up the good work - I will be back for more encouragement later!!!

  5. By the way there is a giveaway at my Open Book review blog!

  6. Ok- so I have to come back and say - your blog worked! I watched Alice in Wonderland the other night with my brothers and fell in love with the fingerless gloves the mad hatter wears - so I designed a pair. How fun is that??? I now have a pair of Mad Hatter gloves for my very own.

  7. Hi Anna Kristine,
    I love your blog by the way. Your pictures are so auwsome. I want to see all these movies that you talk about and make costumes from. I do historical reenacting at hitoric sites. I wanted to drop a line and say hi. Every thing that you post is so pretty. Anyway, could I look at your other blog titled Thoughts and Daydreams by any chance because when I pressed it they required me to log in with my google account password but it did't work.

  8. Hey!
    I just found your blog...and I think it's amazing.

    By the way, I love that pinafore dress. I think you can do it =)

